EANA 2024 Conference
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September 3-6, 2024
Graz (Austria)

About EANA 2024

In 2002, the first stand-alone EANA conference took place in Graz, Austria, and attracted 320 attendees, which still can be counted as the biggest European Astrobiology conference so far. More than 20 years later, EANA returns to Graz: The Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences invites the European Astrobiology community for the 24th EANA conference.

This meeting aims to foster the collaborations between the Solar System and Exoplanet communities, to bring together researchers from diverse fields, and to offer a platform to discuss future joint interdisciplinary projects. EANA 2024 will be a 3.5 days meeting, from September 3rd to 6th, taking place at the “Alte Technik”, Graz University of Technology.

For the first time, EANA 2024 will host the ESA Brainstorming on Astrobiology Splinter Session. ESA representatives will give introductory talks on Tuesday afternoon and there will be an open discussion round on Wednesday during lunch break, where all EANA attendees are welcomed to participate.

The meeting will consist of invited keynote as well as contributed talks, the well-known Space Factor contest, and poster sessions. A reception at the Graz townhall will take place on September 2nd 2024, the conference dinner on September 4th, and on September 6th and 7th after conference excursions are offered (detailed information can be found here).

For attendees of EANA 2024, reduced train tickets can be purchased. Detailed information can be found here.

EANA 2024 will take place in person only.

For any questions concerning the EANA 2024 conference, please contact the organizers by email (eana-conference@eana-net.eu).

Invited Speakers

  • Manuel Scherf, Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz
  • Petra Rettberg, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, DLR, Cologne
  • Olga Prieto-Ballesteros, Planetology and Habitability Department, CAB (CSIC-INTA), Madrid
  • Eva Stueeken, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews


On September 2nd, 2024, the 5th AbGradE Workshop will take place. This one-day event will take place right before EANA 2024 at the Space Research Institute (Schmiedlstraße 6, 8042 Graz, Austria).

More information can be found here: https://abgrade.eu/5th-abgrade-workshop/.

And just after EANA, AbGradE will once again team up with EPEC for EPSC2024 (8-13 September 2024, Berlin, Germany), expanding network opportunities for early career scientists and students.
This year we invite you on Sunday, September 8th in Berlin (Germany) at the Freie Universität for a symposium comprising of contributed talks and a workshop on professional development given by an ESA fellow and a former ESA intern.

For more information visit: https://abgrade.eu/2024/04/18/abgradepec24/.


Scientific Organising Committee

Ruth-Sophie Taubner, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Christiane Helling, Austrian Academy of Sciences / Graz University of Technology
Helmut Lammer, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ludmila Carone, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Alexander Mahnert, Medical University of Graz
  and the EANA council

Local Organising Committee

  Chair: Ruth-Sophie Taubner, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Christiane Helling, Austrian Academy of Sciences / Graz University of Technology
Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Medical University of Graz
Helmut Lammer, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ludmila Carone, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Sudeshna Boro Saikia, University of Vienna
Alexander Mahnert, Medical University of Graz
  Webmaster: Lena Noack, Freie Universität Berlin (please contact in case of technical problems)

Local Organising Student Committee

  Chair: Nidhi Bangera, Austrian Academy of Sciencess, Graz University of Technology, NAWI & YRP Graz
Nanna Bach-Møller, Austrian Academy of Sciencess, Graz University of Technology, NAWI & YRP Graz
Markus Baumgartner-Steinleitner, University of Graz, NAWI & YRP Graz
Elias Ehl, Graz University of Technology, NAWI & YRP Graz
  Nina Fleck, Graz University of Technology
  Tamara Janz, Graz University of Technology
Sven Kiefer, Austrian Academy of Sciences, NAWI & YRP Graz
Helena Lecoq Molinos, Austrian Academy of Sciences, NAWI & YRP Graz
Pietro Leonardi, University of Padova
  Hayk Palabikyan, University of Vienna
Amaia Razquin Lizarraga, University of Graz, NAWI & YRP Graz

Important Deadlines

May 1st 2024:Registration, abstract submission, travel grant & Space Factor application open
June 12th 2024, 1 pm (CEST):Travel grant application (as part of abstract submission) closes
June 19th 2024, 1 pm (CEST):Space Factor application closes
June 19th 2024, 1 pm (CEST):Abstract submission closes (extended deadline)
Beginning of July: Notification about abstract and travel grant acceptance
Mid-July:Final program incl. information about oral or poster presentation
August 9th 2024:Late poster abstract submission closes
August 9th 2024:Deadline for presenter registration
August 23rd 2024:Registration closes
September 3rd-6th 2024: EANA 2024