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Abstract EANA2024-71

Impact of CO2 on water outgassing on rocky planets around TRAPPIST-1 – VPLANET/MagmOcV2.0

Ludmila Carone (1), Rory Barnes (2), Patrick Barth (3), Lena Noack (4), Katy Chubb (5), Betram Bitsch (6), Alexander Thamm (4), Alexander Balduin (4), Christiane Helling (1)
(1) Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria, (2) Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, US, (3) Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science, Germany, (4) Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, (5) University of Bristol, School of Physics, UK,(6) Department of Physics, University College Cork, Ireland

The magma ocean evolution on the potentially habitable exoplanets TRAPPIST-1 e,f and g begins with a CO2-dominated atmosphere and evolves into an H2O dominated atmosphere. For less than 10 TO initial H2O, the atmosphere desiccates and the evolution ends with a CO2 dominated atmosphere. Otherwise, the final state is
a thick (> 1000 bar) H2O-CO2 atmosphere.

Feedback between H2O and CO2 increases H2O outgassing and reduces CO2 outgassing. Consequently, abiotic O2 build-up and H2O
partitioning in the mantle are increased by 10% to 50%. Eventually, 3% to 6 % of the initial water is retained.
The magma ocean lifetime is only significantly extended with CO2 for TRAPPIST-1 e with 10 TO initial H2O. Here, atmospheric
escape alters the atmosphere’s composition and consequently its radiative properties slowly enough to delay solidification. The pro-
longation of the magma ocean stage results in higher O2 sequestration in the mantle, suppressing atmospheric O2 accumulation, and
culminates in a minimum relative water fraction in the mantle.

Our compositional model adjusted for the measured metallicity of TRAPPIST-1 yields for the dry inner planets (b,c,d) an iron fraction
of 25 wt%. For TRAPPIST-e, this iron fraction would be compatible with a desiccated evolution scenario and a CO2 atmosphere with
surface pressures ě 100 bar. Thus, a comparative study between TRAPPIST-1e and g and the inner planets may yield the most insights
about formation and evolution scenarios by confronting, respectively, a scenario with desiccated evolution to a volatile-rich scenario
to a scenario with volatile-poor formation