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Abstract EANA2024-70 |
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Impact of Space- and Mars simulation tests before exposure of the BIOSIGN-ESA (Bio-Signature and habitable Niches) experiment on the ISS: resistance mechanisms of lichens and bacteria of Mars analog areas
Astrobiological experiments need the exposure to extraterrestrial environments, such as real space and Mars simulated conditions to study their impact on biological samples. But before flight, a complete study at simulated Space- and planetary conditions has to be investigated, to check the compatibility- and resistance of different materials and samples (biological, experimental equipment), improving the experimental design. to be executed in planetary simulation chambers, such as that at DLR (Cologne and Berlin) and CAB-INTA. Simulation of Space UV radiation and space vacuum conditions, as well as Mars-like surface UV-irradiation and Mars atmosphere (pressure and gas composition) is possible, in isolated- or combined form [1, 2]. We have performed simulation tests [3] with extremophilic lichens and their microbiome selected from Mars analog areas (Teide volcano, clavey soils Spain, Desert of Namibia), to answer some relevant astrobiological questions, such as the role of the solar UV extraterrestrial radiation on vitality (vitality tests, (ultra-) structural analysis, screening methods for DNA-damage, investigations on photosynthesis and metabolic activity, relevant for the identification of adaptation strategies to environmental extremes (habitability), as well as the probability and limits for interplanetary transfer of life. Principal aim of these studies is the preparation of the ESA-supported experiment BioSigN (Bio-Signatures and habitable Niches, ILSRA-2014-0019) which will analyze the extent to which selected organisms and (micro-) fossils from planetary / Mars- / Enceladus- / Europa-analog field sites (from the deep sea to polar/alpine sites) can survive/outlast the conditions of simulated planetary analog conditions and space exposure on the ISS (2027-2028). The main objectives of BIOSIGN are to support future planetary exploration missions to Mars, Enceladus, Europa or Titan by a set of science experiments to be performed on the ISS. Here we report on the vitality results of the studies performed until now at the ground Planetary simulation Atmospheres and Surfaces Chamber (PASC) at CAB-INTA.
[1] F.J. Sánchez, E. Mateo-Martí, J. Raggio, J. Meeßen, J. Martínez-Frías, L.Ga. Sancho, S. Ott, R. de la Torre (2012) The resistance of the lichen Circinaria gyrosa (nom. provis.) towards simulated Mars conditions—a model test for the survival capacity of an eukaryotic extremophile . Planetary and Space Science 7: 102-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2012.08.005
[2] de Vera, J.-P., Schulze-Makuch, D., Khan, A., Lorek, A., Koncz, A., Möhlmann, D. and Spohn, T. (2014). Adaptation of an Antarctic lichen to Martian niche conditions can occur within 34 days. Planetary and Space Science 98, 182-190.
[3] [3] E. Mateo-Martí*, O. Prieto-Ballesteros, J. M. Sobrado, J. Gómez-Elvira and J. A. Martín-Gago (2006) A chamber for studying planetary environments and its applications to astrobiology. Measurement and Science Technology 17, 2274-2280.